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Post by Stanley »

Further to the two articles on the enclosures, here is the legal foundation for the 19th century enclosures.

The Leeds Mercury: Saturday October 15th 1814: Issue number 2705
http://www.jstor.org (oxu/ac) - Accessed 3rd March 2008

Barnoldswick Inclosure Act

Before Thomas Buttle, Sole Commissioner under the Barnoldswick Inclosure Act: SALE at the house of Mr. John Clark, The Seven Stars Inn, Barnoldswick on the 1st December 1814 at two o'clock.

ALL THAT Valuable and Improvable Parcel of Land on Barnoldswick White Moor situate on the west side of and adjacent to the Old Road leading from Barnoldswick to Colne containing by admeasurement 97acres 1 rood by Statute Measure, and will be offered for sale either in one Lot or in the six following Lots; or such other Lots as may be determined at time of the sale:

Lot 1: Situate on the southerly side of the said parcel of land near to William Fould's house by admeasurement 12 acres 19 perches by aforesaid Statute.

Lot 2: Adjacent to Lots 1 and 6 by admeasurement 13 acres 2 roods 28 perches.

Lot 3: Adjacent to Lots 2 and 4 and Blakehow Gate 21 acres 6 perches.

Lot 4: Adjacent to Lot 3 and the Occupation Road from Admergill Pasture 16 acres 2 roods 17 perches.

Lot 5: Adjacent to the said Occupation Road and to a line of stakes crossing the Sandyfore Beck near to the sheep-folds 13acres 1 rood 30 perches.

Lot 6: Adjacent to the northerly side of the said line of stakes including the hill near to Stoops House 20 acres 1 rood 20 perches.

At the same time will be offered for sale by auction a very valuable parcel of land situate in the town of Barnoldswick called Barnoldswick Green eligibly adapted for building ground containing 1350 square yards; to be sold either together or in the following Lots;

Lot 1: On the southerly side - 450 square yards.
Lot 2: Middle Lot - 450 square yards.
Lot 3: On the northerly side - 450 square yards.

The several Lots above are all staked out and Mr. Christopher Dickinson esq of Barnoldswick aforesaid will show the same and the plan thereof. Further information available from the said Commissioner at Kirkby Lonsdale or Mr. Hartley, Solicitor at Settle.

Barnoldswick and Salterforth Inclosure Act -
Public and Private Roads

The Leeds Mercury: Saturday April 26th 1817: Issue number n/a
http://www.jstor.org (oxu/ac) - Accessed 3rd March 2008

I Thomas Buttle, Commissioner named and appointed by an Act of Parliament, do hereby give notice in pursuance and direction within the Barnoldswick Inclosure (Public and Private Roads) Act that in consolidating this Act the undermentioned Public Carriage Roads and Highways, Private Occupation Roads, Public Bridle Ways and Footpaths over the commons, moors and waste grounds, called White Moor, are directed to be inclosed and divided under and by virtue of the first mentioned Act, that is to say;

Colne Road: One Public Carriage Road and Highway, of the breadth of 30 feet, commencing at the southerly end of an Incroachment called Letcliffe Side, and extending in a southerly direction over the easterly end of Moorgate Ends towards Colne to Shops-Gate, and called Colne Road.

Gisburn Road: One other Public Carriage Road and Highway, of a breadth of 30 feet, commencing at Staniston Gate and extending from thence in a westerly direction on White Moor Bottom to Back Lane Top, and from thence in a northerly direction by Sandy Fore to Stoops Gate, leading to Gisburn, and called Gisburn Road.

I also set out and appoint the following Private Roads and Occupation Ways over the said White Moor; that is to say:

Lister Well Road: One Private Occupation Road of the breadth of 21 feet, branching from the corner of the Colne Road at Tubber Croft, on Moor Gate Ends, and extending in a south-westerly direction on the southerly side of, and near, Lister Well, to the allotments severally set out for the heirs of the late Mr. Thomas Cockshott esq and Thomas Chippindale esq for the occupation of the said allotments and several other allotments adjacent and thereto belonging and called Lister Well Road.

Moor Gate Road: One Private Occupation Road of the breadth of 21 feet, leading up Moor Lane from the village of Barnoldswick to Moor gate and in a south-westerly direction from thence up the White Moor to allotments severally set out for Henry Hoyle Oddie esq and John Oddie esq for the occupation of the said allotments and several other allotments adjacent thereto, and called Moor Gate Road.

Lane Head Road: One other Occupation Road of a breadth of 21 feet, leading from the ancient highway near to Salterforth Lane Head, and extending up to Salterforth Moor Gate, and forward upon the common to an allotment set out for John Stockdale esq for the occupation of the said allotment and several other allotments adjacent thereto, and called Lane Head Road.

Admergill Road: One other private Occupation Road of a breadth of 21 feet, branching from the Gisburn Road between allotments sold to William Shaw esq and Roger Peel esq and Benjamin Brown esq and extending in a westerly direction to Admergill Pasture Estate, for the occupation of the said allotment and several other allotments adjacent thereto, and called Admergill Road.

Miss Hartley's Road: One other private Occupation Road of a breadth of 21 feet, branching from Gisburn Road at Stoops gate, and extending over the northerly end of an allotment set out for Mrs. Jane Preston, to an allotment set out for the co-heiress of the late Richard Hartley esq for the occupation of the said allotment and several other allotments adjacent thereto, and called Miss Hartley's Road.

Parks Occupation Road: One other private Occupation Road of a breadth of 21 feet, branching from the Colne Road opposite, Tubber Croft, and extending in a north-easterly direction down Hodge Lane on the easterly side thereof to an ancient gate leading to the Park Estates, several belonging to the rev. William Roundell and the heirs of the late Thomas Cockshott esq, which road is set out for the occupation of the estates, and other lands adjacent thereto, and called Park Occupation Road.

Bridle Way: I also set out and appoint one public Bridle Way and Footpath branching out from the Gisburn Road 400 yards on the south-easterly side of the Occupation Road to Admergill Pasture, and extending over the allotments sold to William Shaw esq in a south-westerly direction to Blackhow Gate.

Foot Way: I also set out and appoint one Public Foot Way, branching from the south-westerly end of the Lister Well Road, and extending over the allotment set out for Thomas Chippindale esq on the southerly side thereof, to the Gisburn Road.

And I do hereby give further notice that the said public and private roads are staked out and that I have prepared a map in which such intended roads are accurately marked out, and I deposit this at the offices of Messrs. J & W Hartley, Solicitors, Settle. A copy is also lodged with Mr. Joseph King of Letcliffe. I will also hold a meeting at the Seven Stars public house, at Barnoldswick, on Wednesday the 14th May next at two o'clock when and where person or persons who may feel themselves to be aggrieved by the setting out of such roads &c. may attend and object to the same, if they think it proper.

Signed, Thomas Buttle,
Commissioner - 16th April 1817

J Clayton: Barrowford: 3rd March 2008

[Take note of the clause in the Award that shows the legal basis for the sale of what was then Barnoldswick Town Green.]
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
Old age isn't for cissies!
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