Will of Thomas Edmondson. 1872

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Will of Thomas Edmondson. 1872

Post by Stanley »

Will of Thomas Edmondson. 1872

I Thomas Edmondson of Barnoldswick in the parish of Barnoldswick in the
West Riding of the county of York, cut looker, do this day of December one
thousand eight hundred and seventy two make this my last will and testament.
I hereby give and bequeath to my wife Sarah Edmondson all those two cottages or dwelling houses and appurtenances thereto belonging situate at
Townhead in Barnoldswick aforesaid and now in the occupation of myself
and my son Robert Edmondson as tenant, for the term of her natural life.
Then to be divided as follows. My eldest son Robert Edmondson to have the
house now occupied by myself with the machine house and fixtures thereto
belonging. The other house presently occupied by Robert Edmondson to
be sold and the proceeds to be divided amongst the remainder of my children
in equal portions. I also give and bequeath to my wife all my hosehold
furniture and any money which I may have at my decease after paying my
lawful debts and defraying my funeral expenses and testamentary expenses
for her natural life. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my
sons Robert Edmondson, warper and Thomas Slater Edmondson, warp
dresser both of Barnoldswick to be executors for carrying into effect this my
last will and testament.

Witness Thomas Edmondson

Signed in the presence of us this thirtieth day of December one thousand
eight hundred and seventy two.
Thomas Edmondson (sig)
John Slater jnr (sig)
Stephen Pickles (sig)

Proved at Wakefield the 7th day of May 1875 by the oath of Thomas Slater
Edmondson the said one of the executors to whom administration was
granted to, Robert Edmondson the son also the said executor.

On the seventh day of May 1875 the will of Thomas Edmondson late of
Barnoldswick in the county of York, out looker, deceased, who died on the
twenty seventh day of February 1875 at Barnoldswick aforesaid, was
proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s court of probate
at Wakefield by the oath of Thomas Slater Edmondson of Skipton in the
said county, bookseller and stationer, the first sworn duly to administer;
(power being reserved of granting probate of the said deceased the other
executor therein named).

Effects under £100 No leasehold. M. Paget, solicitor, Skipton.

[Posted on oneguy by Ken 7th of November 2004.
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

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The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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Re: Will of Thomas Edmondson. 1872

Post by Stanley »

Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at talktalk.net

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
Old age isn't for cissies!
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